Monday, July 31, 2006

The scourge of Playboy bunnies everywhere

After reading Ariel Levy's Female Chauvinist Pigs recently, this article from the Sydney Morning Herald grabbed me. It's about a modesty movement in the US and the backlash against the general trashiness, slutty behaviour and "female chauvinism" that has become common, acceptable and desirable among supposedly liberated young women.
It also mentions, from where I found a link to a US company, Wholesome Wear. They make modest swimmers for women who don't want their bodies to be the centre of attention.."that highlights the face, rather than the body...with bright colours at the neck and shoulders to draw attention to the face".

Well, it sure does.

These are like something a leprous Amish nun would wear at the beach.

Hideousness aside, the backlashes-to-trash circulating at the moment are very compelling. Admittedly it seems to be just a US thing for now, but I feel Australia probably isn't too far behind.

Quiver in your kitten heels, girls! Ten-year-olds, steer clear of those Barbie G-strings! We shall wax and pluck and flash our boobs no more, for the new movement is coming...and as illustrated, it's going to get REALLY ugly.

***update***September 6th, 2006

A new article in the Melbourne Age discusses the new Indonesian anti-pornography bill and why perhaps it might be not such a bad idea.

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