Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas Day breakfast

This year the task has fallen to me to stage the family Christmas Day breakfast. Previous years (when it hasn't been my job) have involved beautiful combinations of crystal glasses, smoked salmon, melba toast, champagne and orange juice, polished silver, pressed white linen and the occasional dab of caviar, on the verandah as pink galahs swing themselves silly on the phone cable nearby and a sweet salty breeze wafts in from sunny Moreton Bay.

Well this year we've got none of that. I ain't got no silverware, no caviar budget, and I ain't got no breeze off no bay neither. (Yay for double negatives!).

But what I HAVE got is time, recent events being what they have been. I can plan away and make lists and diagrams to my little heart's content. I can even spend half a day trekking to several stores around town looking for a small individual teapot or lidded jug, suitable for the Christmas Day presentation of an individual portion of hot chocolate for the one person attending who doesn't like tea or coffee, and that meets with my finicky teapot / jug standards.
I actually did this last week, before I thought a little more about the plan (and re-read the draft menu). None of the many vessels I encountered were suitable. Towards the end of the expedition I was moving more towards jug than teapot, because part of me feels strange about putting anything in one except tea. Eventually I decided that it would be acceptable, only just, to provide this person with a pre-made mug of chocolate on the day. But I still really like the idea of cute individual jugs: each filled with your beverage of choice, made just as you like it. So.

Here is my Christmas Day draft menu, so far, and tailored to fit the breakfastal preferences of the guests. I realise that there is about four hundred times too much food here, but I say always work backwards.

Earl Grey leaf in teapot
PNG organic coffee in plunger
Hot chocolate (I will try for Ghirardelli)

Capeseed loaf and sourdough rye loaf thin sliced into melba toast
Homemade pumpkin jam
Other jam (red fruit) or honey
Slab of good unsalted butter
Smoked salmon slices
Proscuitto slices
Roasted baby truss tomatoes and asparagus
Herby scrambled eggs
Maldon salt and fresh ground pepper
Fresh stonefruit salad with mint
Lemon wedges on the side

I already made the pumpkin jam: it is awaiting glory in the fridge. Everything else is merely a suggestion and is liable to be punted off the list at any time. The only things I'd have to cook, though, would be the roasted items (shove in oven and ignore until done) and the eggs (at last minute, stand over stove folding them into a creamy homogenous mass and serve). Everything else could be prepared half an hour earlier, and the toast could even be done the day before and kept dry and airtight. Don't want to be up at 5am roasting any geese or anything.

I will have an all-white table theme, possibly with touches of green. I assume, like every Christmas Day, it will be super-hot even at breakfast time so I need to keep things looking fresh and cool, and to minimise the hot and filling cooked foods like sausages, bacon and other such celebratory cliches. Not that I can judge, serving up salmon.

Let's hope there's a breeze...off the frangipani tree in the yard.


Have punted some of the above, in favour of more decadence. Tea and coffee are being punted in favour of champagne and orange juice. Stonefruit is out, mangoes and raspberries are in. Cherry jam is ready to go. All other concepts remain (for the moment).

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