Monday, February 05, 2007

Yatala Pies

I am allowed to have one pie per year. This is my way of limiting my capacity to eat rubbish, and also, if you only get one pie a year then you have to make sure it's a good one. None of that pre-frozen gelatinous cardboard from the creepy little Korean bakery, thank you very much. Brumby's or Baker's Delight? They probably use dehydrated egg powder like the Woolies bakery. Pseudo-pies from the local takeaway? They could have been sitting in that heated cabinet for weeks. Not to mention how they're full of hooves.

No, if you're looking for a pie, it has to be A Pie. A Pie from Famous Yatala Pies.
We drove down to Surfers early one morning, arrived by 7am and had some nice poached eggs at Broadbeach (well I had the eggs, Pete had his usual pancake-maple-bacon feast). Staked out a primo sandside location, had a few swims, a nap under a shady tree, and by 11.30 it was home time, via Yatala for my once-a-year piely treat.
You'll note I selected the mushroom pie variety, because who on earth would choose bacon, curry, or even worse, CHICKEN, when you can't come back next week and try another one? So of course I went with the supreme option. And as always, it was a hot, flaky, succulently savoury and juicy, delicious pure meat and fresh mushroom concoction. I poured sauce all over it and devoured it, feeling not one scrap of guilt.

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