Art plans
I've been asked to do two paintings recently.
The first one is a commission and it is to hang in the bedroom of a small boy ( is he two or three? One of those). I am thinking about what I might decide to do here. First I'm going to visit the bedroom and look at the wall it's going to hang on. What colour is it? How big is it? How will I fill the space, either physically, with a giant canvas, or spatially through use of colour or design? What is the light in the room like? Where are the windows? What kind of stuff is in the room? The painting needs to look great in its current location, but also look great in the next house they live in or when it gets moved around. Can I manipulate the sense of the room in a positive way?
I think that as far as materials go, I'm going to use plain acrylics and create a kind of plastic-y play-dough shiny finished surface. Not sure yet about the content.
The second painting is for auction at a leukaemia benefit. All I know so far is that I'm going to use lots of red. I want this to be a uplifting and positive yet fragile work. One idea might be to incorporate some small objects and gouache into the piece. Mirror shards or gold leaf, photos, images from a magazine and so on. I better get on with it: it will probably take me bloody forever to get it finished. The benefit is in September...
The leukaemia painting is coming along. Hard to see from the photos, but this is what I have done:
First I covered the canvas with a thick cerulean blue acrylic.
Then I started to apply paints in a few different shades of red, brown and pink, using a small square brush and making small squares of colour all over the canvas. That took a couple of days, to cover it completely.
Next I filled in some of the gaps between squares with a little gold paint. I filled in most of the other gaps with a deep scarlet colour. I
left a fair bit of blue showing around the edges and in one section near the bottom.
I thought about leaving it there, but no.
The benefit was postponed: even more time to work on the painting. I knew it needed to be more bold. Giant leap of faith: twisted black tree. Phew, that's not too bad.
Gold detail around the border, cherry blossoms growing on various branches (hey, I never said it was a tree that existed in real life), and it's done.
Who knows what people will think?!?
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