Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Successfully moved

And only one glass broken! Tea set and KitchenAid both happily intact. Thanks to assorted parents and friends who gave their precious weekend to help us move... I will be organising a housewarming very soon!
The best thing about the new house (as far as this blog is concerned) is the total ABSENCE of the terrible terrible oven. No, it didn't come with us, praise be to Irwin. We cleaned it and left it at the old rental place, and I didn't shed one tear over it. The interior lining peeling off inside the oven, the rusted-through holes in the stovetop, the grill tray held on with bits of fencing wire, the gas elements perchily balanced on a 2mm border of rust above the ancient burnt enamel. Fare thee well, oven, and don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.
Meanwhile, now I have a NEW OVEN. It's got a spiffy little setting where as soon as you turn the dial to set the temperature, it automatically ignites itself and starts preheating. Ooh. And there is a RANGEHOOD. With EXTRACTOR. And it seems to be less than 400 years old, a major selling point.
I tested it out on the weekend with a chocolate marble cake. Joy of joys, it baked perfectly! Even (dare I say it) too perfectly! The oven was a little too hot, so I got some cratering and cracking, but WHO CARES, at least I have a competent and confident oven that seems to be saying: "Come aahn. Is that the best you got?!? Throw it at me! BRING IT ON". And I say, sure oven, I'l' be bringing it on... Sooner Than You Think.

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