Thursday, May 17, 2007

You know you're a food blogger when...

Ten ways to tell if you are a food blogger

10. You can always be relied upon to provide (and photograph) a tasty meal at a moment's notice

9. Friends ask you for your viewpoint on the latest GM scandal or local produce shortage (bananas, anyone?)

8. You never need to look up recipes online: your enormous collection of cookbooks is sure to have what you need

7. Your pantry constantly looks like you're ready for a four-year siege under nuclear war

6. On the odd occasion you can't find the recipe you need in your own cookbook collection, you know exactly whose blog to find it in

5. You are on first-name terms with the butcher, the organic egg supplier, the stallholders at the local growers' markets and the artisanal baker

4. Dinner at your place is always a coveted invitation: friends know they'll never get the same thing twice and it will always be delicious

3. You grind your own spices and make your own pasta

2. You take your camera everywhere: corner shop, restaurant, supermarket, friends' places for dinner, just in case you find something to blog about

1. Your blog is crammed full of recipes, photos and reflections on what you've made, but you're constantly searching for the next recipe, the next idea, the next food experience!

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