Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Halloween 2007

So I guess the real question is: what am I going to do this year that could possibly top last year?

I am of course having my annual Halloween video night, where debauchery and madness may reign. Last year's food effort was OK, but I'd like to go a little more not-cooked, fresh and different this year.
We probably won't be carving this year, due to the pumpkin shortage that is apparently sweeping through town. Personally, I'm not convinced. There's still a giant vat of them down at the fruit barn. But whether we carve or not, I still need to do a big one for the front steps and to use the scoopings for my pumpkin pie.

Thinking about American-style ribs: the real ones, in homage to the Easter Feaster I did back in 2003. That was a gluttonous celebration of ribs and corn cobs. Haven't done a Feaster for Easter in quite a few years though. Perhaps I could bring back the tradition. Perhaps also some alcoholic fruit iceblocks? Tapas-style snacks? The new Donna Hay has a section on tapas....

And what will I WEAR to work on the 31st? Here's the plan: all black, with my new pumpkin brooch, bright yellow beads, neon orange heels and bronze makeup. Tragic yet awesome.

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